Reimagining quality education for Latina/o ELs at the crossroads of disability and second language acquisition within a response to intervention framework

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Barbara J. Dray
Peggy Hickman


In this brief report, we shed light on how educators can reimagine quality education for Latina/o
English learners at the crossroads of language acquisition and disability. We begin by providing
an overview of the landscape of Latina/o learners at risk and placed in special education; we then
provide a description of the Response to Intervention framework and essential considerations for
designing language and literacy programming at the universal Tier I as well as Tier II and III levels
for Latina/o ELs within various types of instructional programs (biliteracy, transitional bilingual,
and English-only). Research suggests that this critical mass of learners has unique instructional
needs that must be addressed by providing them with optimal language supports across
instructional programs.

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Brief Reports