Teaching content to English language learners: Strategies for secondary school success Jodi Reiss. White Plains, NY: Pearson Education 2005. 144 pp.

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Lubie G. Alatriste


In the world of publishing, elementary- and college-level books on language theory and methodology
tend to be relatively common. But, it seems, the needs of high school English language learners (ELLs) are
not so frequently addressed in handbooks or teacher materials. That is why Reiss’ book is simultaneously
a pleasant surprise and a welcome addition to teacher education resources. It is concise and
informational, covering a spectrum of pertinent topics, and most of all exuding an understanding of
English language learners and their needs. Although this book is not a new publication, it is a practical
guide to teaching that is instantly accessible to non-TESOL-trained teachers in content areas and thus
deserves to be brought back to teachers’ attention. Clearly meant for high schools, it can also be easily
used by college instructors in different disciplines and elementary educators as well because it offers a
common-sense approach to teaching second language learners.

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Reviews: Technology Resources & Materials