Policy brief: Bilingual education

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Drew Patrick


This brief analyzes bilingual education policy at the federal level within the context of the policy’s
equity, efficiency, effectiveness, political feasibility, and quality. The narrowing of bilingual policy
brought about by the 2001 reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (renamed
the No Child Left Behind Act), as well as passage of English-only laws in three states, is juxtaposed
against the growing body of research that favors the simultaneous development of both a home
language and English as critical for achievement of English language learners (ELLs).
Recommendations are made with respect to policy alternatives that may now be emerging for states
and school districts in light of the U. S. Department of Education’s NCLB waiver program, using
proposed changes in New York State and recommendations in the literature as examples of the
potential for change.

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Brief Reports