Common core collaborations for the sake of ELLS

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Maria Dove
Andrea Honigsfeld


Over a decade ago, Morse (2000) suggested that through collaboration, “educators will recognize
they are not alone in searching for new modes of human exchange,” noting as well that “rejecting
collaboration is not an option” (p. xi). The complex challenges that English language learners (ELLs) and
their educators encounter on a daily basis with the implementation of new learning standards calls for a
collaborative approach to instruction so teachers are better able to pool their talents and resources and
offer the best possible learning experiences to ELLs. More specifically, the Common Core Learning
Standards (CCLS)—what the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are called in New York State— require
students to perform various academic tasks, such as to: (a) comprehend and analyze complex texts that
are frequently well above the reading ability of English learners, (b) write across multiple genres in
response to fiction and nonfiction selections, (c) engage in academic conversations across the content
areas, (d) support written and oral arguments by citing text-based evidence, and (e) conduct research
projects using multiple print and nonprint resources. Considering these as well as other challenging
undertakings that are benchmarks of the CCLS, teachers and school leaders should explore every avenue
for collaborative conversations concerning best practices for ELLs.

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