Teaching content standards to English language learners Elementary science teachers’ use of language development and home language strategies
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The language demands implicit in the Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science
Standards present both challenges and opportunities for English language learners (ELLs) (Lee, Quinn,
& Valdés, 2013). Given the critical role that content area teachers will play in the implementation of
these standards, this study investigated the extent to which elementary science teachers report using
language development and home language strategies when they teach science to all students,
especially ELLs. One hundred and fifteen fifth-grade science teachers completed a questionnaire at
the end of the school year. A majority of teachers reported using language development strategies in
their science teaching during most or all of their lessons. Still more encouraging, we found evidence
that teachers may be particularly sensitive to the needs of ELLs, as teachers with ELLs and former ELLs
in their classroom reported more frequent use of these strategies. In addition, many science teachers
with ELLs and former ELLs in their classrooms reported incorporating their students’ home language
in their teaching.