Professional perspectives on assessment and educational practices for children identified as English language learners A pilot study

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Michelle Hernandez
Katrina Fulcher-Rood


This study used a structured open interview approach to gather information from school-based professionals who work with English Language Learners (ELLs) in New York State regarding their assessment practices for identifying and placing students in ELL programs. The goal of the study was to document current assessment practices and criteria used to determine the placement of ELLs in school contexts. The results found that professionals use a standard list of tools, mandated by the state and local districts, to assess and identify ELLs, which inform placement in general education settings. Findings indicate that these instruments require examination to determine their accuracy in measuring English proficiency. A multidisciplinary approach may improve the diagnostic process to
ensure the appropriate recommendation of educational placement to support ELLs academic and language needs.

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